
Israel "does not want ground war, but will use all means to target"

2024.09.26 PM 02:52
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Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danone, says Israel does not seek an "all-out war" with Lebanon but must defend itself.

"Israel is under attack," Ambassador Danon said, "Hezbollah is responsible for the escalation of violence," and accused Iran of being "the spider at the center of this web of violence."

"We appreciate the diplomatic efforts of countries around the world to avoid conviction and all-out war," he said, but emphasized that if dialogue fails, "we will use every means to achieve our goals in accordance with international law."

He reaffirmed Israel's commitment to a Security Council resolution that ended the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah, and called for full implementation of the resolution.

The resolution, which has not been fully implemented, includes an end to hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon and the replacement of Lebanese troops and U.N. peacekeepers, and the disarmament of all armed groups, including Hezbollah.

But Netanyahu expressed his willingness to continue his offensive against Hezbollah, saying in a speech in his country that "it will not stop until the return of the refugees who left northern Israel because of the Hezbollah attack."

Prime Minister Netanyahu will arrive in New York, USA, where the UN General Assembly will be held on the 26th local time, and deliver a speech at the General Assembly on the 27th.

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