
"I'll give it to you. I'll give you all the filth." Deepfake video of "Kim Yo Jong" [Anchor Report]

2024.09.26 PM 02:59
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Someone who dances to the song "For You" by singer Cho Hyun-ah.

It's Kim Yo Jong, deputy director of the North Korean Workers' Party.

In the back, we also see North Korean soldiers dancing in sword dance,
On the upper left of
, it is written as if it is a parody of North Korea's old propaganda media 'Our People'.

It is a video produced by a YouTuber last month using deepfake, and the song is about satirizing the garbage balloons that North Korea is flying south one after another by changing the lyrics, "I'll give you all the filth."

So far, this video has attracted great attention with 670,000 views,

Nurisans are "a video that Kim Jong-un will also subscribe to."

"It's the first time I've ever seen a channel that I'm worried about becoming famous," he said, expressing various reactions.

Since May, North Korea has flown more than 5,500 garbage balloons in South Korea on a total of 22 occasions.

As a result, operations at Incheon and Gimpo airports have been suspended 20 times this year, fires have broken out in some areas, and a woman in her 60s has recently been injured by balloon debris.
Let's hear what experts think about
's situation.

[Kim Yeol-soo / Director of Security Strategy at the Korea Military Research Institute] I don't think this will end soon. In particular, as we enter autumn, if there is a detonator in here, there may be a forest fire if it falls into the forest. I think I need to pay a lot of attention to it. Some people say, "Why can't we shoot from the sky in advance and drop it?" If you do that, all the contents in it may be dispersed, and if you do it wrong, only the balloon will explode and the contents in it can fall vertically. And then this brings a huge amount of risk.Anyway, this doesn't look like it's going to end any time soon, so you need to continue to be interested and be careful about it whenever the balloon is raised.]

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