
I'm going to put my hand on fraudster caught for millions of won

2024.09.26 AM 11:05
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A woman in her 60s who intentionally pretended to have an accident and committed insurance fraud was caught.

I lied that there was an accident, such as deliberately touching an approaching car, but the fraud was found out because of the black box and CCTV footage.

Reporter Yoon Tae-in's report.

A motorcycle approaches at a high speed behind a woman walking slowly on the road.

As the motorcycle passed by, the woman collapsed on the spot, and at first glance, the driver cannot leave because the motorcycle seems to have caused an accident.

In fact, a woman in her 60s fell on purpose as if she had an accident because she was surprised by a motorcycle for insurance money.

In this way, the insurance fraud that Mr. A has postponed three times in two years, and the insurance money that he fraudulently burned was 6 million won.

At first, the police also booked the driver of the vehicle, but the investigation into A began after finding suspicious points in the black box.

[Lim Jae-yeop / Gyeonggi Ilsan Dongbu Police Station Traffic Investigation Team 2: First of all, I was watching the black box video and I was wondering because I saw unnatural things. We started the investigation with the thought that there was a possibility of insurance fraud because another police station had a car accident with the same incident.

In November last year, A also committed insurance fraud by intentionally bringing his right hand to an approaching vehicle, and he recalled that the victim who recalled the time was also dizzy, but he recalled the suspicious points.

[Insurance Fraud Victim: Later, he snores a little and even goes to sleep. At that time, when I talked to the insurance company on the phone, at the first call, I told the insurance company that something was a little strange.]

The police booked A for violating the Special Act on Insurance Fraud Prevention and handed it over to the prosecution in April.

A was ordered to pay a fine of 3 million won on the 5th due to the prosecution's summary prosecution, but the court battle will continue as A filed for a formal trial.

I'm YTN Yoon Tae-in.

Video editing: Byun Ji-young
Screen provision: Gyeonggi Northern Police Agency

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