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Gov't announces decision to salvage sunken Sewol ferry

2015.04.23 오전 10:20
The government has announced its decision to salvage the Sewol ferry which sank off the country's southwest coast a year ago, claiming the lives of more than 300 people, mostly teenagers.

In a joint news conference by Public Safety Minister Park In-Yong and Oceans Minister Yoo Ki-June, Park said it plans to start the retrieval of the 6,825-ton ferry in September, which would take up to 1 and half years at a cost of up to 150 billion won (US$139 million).

Park added priority in the salvage work will be given to preventing any loss of the bodies of nine people still missing and believed to be inside the hull.

Yoo said the government will soon start selecting salvage firms from home and abroad.
The government predicted the submerged vessel to be raised to the surface around next April if the operation is done as expected.
특별 이벤트


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