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Half-Moon Shaped Potato Cake

2017.06.20 오후 06:10
Chef Yoo Jong-Ha here with introduces a traditional Korean dessert!


Potato Starch, Black Sesame Seeds, Honey

1. Knead

Potato Starch, Hot Water

TIP: Using hot water helps make the dough more chewy.

2. Marinate

Black Sesame Seeds, Honey

TIP: Add nuts to taste.

TIP: Apply sesame oil on your hands to avoid stickiness while handling the dough.

3. Shape

Potato Dough, Black Sesame Seed Filling

TIP: Press the edges of the potato cake skin tightly to prevent the filling from getting out of the shaped cake.

4. Steam

Gamja Songpyeon

TIP: Steam the shaped potato cakes for about 7 minutes.


1. Make the dough by kneading potato starch and hot water.

2. Mix black sesame seeds with honey.

3. Steam the shaped potato cakes for about 7 minutes.

[Effects of Potato]

Rich in vitamin C, potato helps prevent cancers, colds and aging.

Now enjoy Gamja Songpyeon (Half-Moon Shaped Potato Cake) that presents you with

a remarkably chewy flavor!



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