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[세상만사] 워싱턴 국립 대성당의 400번 종소리의 의미

2021.01.20 오후 06:43
-미국 워싱턴 국립 대성당 (2021. 1. 19)

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-화면제공 : 워싱턴 국립 대성당




## storyline

The Washington National Cathedral has marked the 400,000 U.S. lives lost to COVID-19 by tolling its Bourdon Bell. The cathedral tolled the bell 400 times, once for every thousand lives lost.

With more than 4,000 deaths recorded on some recent days - the most since the pandemic began - the toll by week's end will probably surpass the number of Americans killed in World War II.

The U.S. accounts for nearly 1 of every 5 virus deaths reported worldwide, far more than any other country despite its great wealth and medical resources.

The Washington National Cathedral tolled the bell just over a month ago to mark 300,000 lives lost.
특별 이벤트 배너


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