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U.S. prepared for 'any eventuality'regarding N.Korea

2013.03.29 오전 10:21
After flying nuclear-capable B-2 stealth bombers over South Korea, the United States has warned North Korea that it is prepared for "any eventuality" and would defend its allies fully if provoked.

The message to Pyongyang came across clearly in the U.S.'s decision to send the bombers to drop dummy munitions in training exercises over South Korea. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, however, conveyed that they were not intended to provoke the North.

Rather he called on Pyongyang to take the path towards peace instead of "ratcheting up the danger" on the peninsula, adding that Washington would "unequivocally defend" South Korea and Japan.

Tensions have risen dramatically in the last few months following North Korea's nuclear test, with Pyongyang severing the last military communication link with Seoul on Wednesday, saying that it was no longer needed as "war may break out at any moment."
특별 이벤트


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