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[K-BIZ] Drone Traffic Police

2018.05.14 오후 05:18
Crackdowns on traffic violations will be strengthened on highways across the country.

The government is known to be actively considering detecting traffic violators on expressways with flying drones.

A sedan is violating the bus-only lane on an expressway.

The car in violation is immediately spotted and filmed by the drone flying above the motorway.

At the same time, a police officer radios a report.

[Patrol police officer]
"A car is violating the bus-only lane. Please confirm that. A car is violating the bus-only lane."

The radio report alerts the nearest police patrol car to reach the spot immediately.

The drone traffic police are focused on illegal driving on designated lanes and road shoulders, and parking violations

[Yoon Jae-Bok, highway police officer]
"It's good because they (the flying drones) collaborate with our patrol cars on the ground to immediately detect and catch vehicles in violation."

After two months of pilot operations, police will determine whether or not to deploy the unmanned aerial vehicles into active service.



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