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〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕 유칼립투스 숲과 호수와의 조화로움을 추구한 자유 곡선형 구조물 2

2019.09.04 오후 05:40
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〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕 유칼립투스 숲과 호수와의 조화로움을 추구한 자유 곡선형 구조물 2
●● 멋진 세상 속 건축디자인_ 쓰촨성 청두의 훠궈 음식 문화를 엿볼 수 있는 환경 친화적인 가든 핫팟 레스토랑(Garden Hotpot Restaurant)… 유칼립투스 숲과 호수와의 조화로움을 추구한 290m에 3m 높이의 자유 곡선형 구조물을 형성하는 흰색의 지붕선과 플랫폼이 돋보여
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〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕 유칼립투스 숲과 호수와의 조화로움을 추구한 자유 곡선형 구조물 2

올 4월에 일반에게 공개된 첫 단계 가든 핫팟 프로젝트는 아름다운 호수와 숲의 풍경과 어우러져 멋진 핫팟 투어를 가능하게 만든다. 방문객은 특별한 경계를 구분 짓지 않고 건물에 스며든 듯한 주변 숲의 풍경을 산책하듯 감상할 수 있게 된다.
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〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕 유칼립투스 숲과 호수와의 조화로움을 추구한 자유 곡선형 구조물 2

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〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕 유칼립투스 숲과 호수와의 조화로움을 추구한 자유 곡선형 구조물 2

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〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕 유칼립투스 숲과 호수와의 조화로움을 추구한 자유 곡선형 구조물 2

Chengdu's leisurely and warm temperament makes it a tourism magnet in Southwest China. And hotpot, as part of the local cultural characteristics, has become synonymous with Chengdu, which is not only a food culture, but also a leisure lifestyle. At the end of 2018, MUDA-Architects received a renovation design commission in Sansheng Township, Chengdu. Sansheng Township is located in Chengdu suburb, known as "Chengdu green lung", with unique natural conditions and ecological resources. MUDA takes this opportunity to integrate hotpot culture with natural ecological environment, creating a restaurant that respects the original ecology and in line with modern consumption style.
Garden Hotpot Restaurant is in the hinterland of Sansheng Township, surrounding a lotus pond, hidden in a eucalyptus forest. On the premise of paying the greatest respect to the natural environment, MUDA decides to eliminate the architectural scale, leaving out walls, only using pillars and boards to lightly hide the building in the woods, letting the building gently integrate with the site and delineating the shape of lake in a light and peaceful way.
The construction forms along the lake, looking like the steams and smokes from the boiling pots curling between the pillars and trees. Thin columns are evenly distributed on both sides, and the free curve of the roof forms several transparent viewing frames, so that different views can be appreciated during the whole process of walking. The bottom platform is consistent with the curve of the roof, and the same method is used in the design to echo each other, demonstrating the consistency and integrity of the whole space.
In total, the building has a circumference of 290meters, with the height of 3 meters, and the width varies with the natural environment. The platform is made of anti-corrosive wood, and the roof is made of galvanized steel sheet, coated with white fluorocarbon paint, which complements the surrounding lush environment. A series of steel columns with a diameter of 88mm is used as the supporting structure, and it blends into the straight trunks of eucalyptus trees and disappears into nature. The curved wooden railing by the lakeside is built for customers to enjoy the views, and blur the boundary of the lake, which brings people closer to nature.
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〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕 유칼립투스 숲과 호수와의 조화로움을 추구한 자유 곡선형 구조물 2

The natural environment of the site is beautiful but complex. Tens of eucalyptus trees must be preserved, and the terrain is tortuous with a maximum drop of nearly 2 meters. In order to respect the natural environment and minimize human intervention in this natural site, MUDA conducted manual mapping and recorded of the site in person, and the building was designed according to the location of eucalyptus trees and lake. Moreover, the free curve of the roof is designed according to the site characteristics and function.
At the same time, it is also an experiment for MUDA in small scale and low cost architecture. The construction team, local migrant workers, have no professional knowledge and tools. In order to ensure the quality, architects simplified complex structural nodes and made strategic adjustments in a way that workers could understand. The whole building applied steel structure welding technology, which greatly shortens the construction period and reduces the cost.
The first phase completed in April is open to the public, which is highly integrated with the nature. The building is light and transparent. Users sit around the lake, and the landscape spray permeates the whole space, starting a romantic and wonderful ecological hotpot tour.
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〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕 유칼립투스 숲과 호수와의 조화로움을 추구한 자유 곡선형 구조물 2

미국 보스턴에서 설립한 MUDA-Architects는 2015년 베이징과 청두지사를 설립했다. 건축, 디자인분야에서 미래지향적이고 독창적인 건축을 추구하는 MUDA-Architects는 2019 Architizer A+Awards, 2018-2019 A’Design Award, 2018 IDA Awards and 2018 AMP Awards 등의 국제건축상을 수상하며 주목받고 있다. >>Architect_ Yun Lu/ MUDA-Architects, 자료_ MUDA, Photos by Arch-Exist, MUDA-Architects, 기사 출처_ 에이앤뉴스 AN NEWS(ANN 뉴스센터) 제공

안정원(비비안안 Vivian AN) 에이앤뉴스 ANN 발행인 겸 대표이사, 한양대학교 실내건축디자인학과 겸임교수
제공_ 에이앤뉴스그룹 ANN NEWS GROUP(에이앤뉴스_ 건축디자인 대표 신문사 ‧ 에이앤프레스_건설지, 건설엔지니어링북, 건설스토리북, 건설백서 전문출판사)
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〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕 유칼립투스 숲과 호수와의 조화로움을 추구한 자유 곡선형 구조물 2

Architects : MUDA-Architects
Lead Architect: Yun Lu
Design Team: Yun Lu, Jiandan Xu, Qiming Sun, Xue Chen, Yixiu He, Xiaoqiao Liu, Dian Rong, Shangyun Zhou
Construction supervision unit: Chufeng Architectural Decoration Design Co., Ltd
Construction supervision team: Xianyong Wu, Fei Jiang, Wenjie Tang, Songlin Li
Construction Team: Hao Chen, Chuangui Zhou, etc.
Location: No.588 Fujiang Road, Jinjiang District, Chengdu, China
Use: Restaurant
Area: 1800sqm
Materials: Galvanized Steel sheet, Fluorocarbon paint, Wood plank
Photography: Arch-Exist, MUDA-Architects
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〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕 유칼립투스 숲과 호수와의 조화로움을 추구한 자유 곡선형 구조물 2



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