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〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕 생드니에 들어설 대규모 복합용도 개발 프로젝트 몽플라이엘 2

2019.01.23 오전 09:33
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〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕 생드니에 들어설 대규모 복합용도 개발 프로젝트 몽플라이엘 2
●● 멋진 세상 속 건축디자인_ 프랑스 생드니에 들어설 대규모 복합용도 개발 프로젝트, ‘몽플라이엘(Montpleyel)’ …‘meta Ilot’와 ‘the inhabited bridge’를 개념으로 한 지속가능한 건축 환경을 구축해

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〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕 생드니에 들어설 대규모 복합용도 개발 프로젝트 몽플라이엘 2

이렇듯 몽플라이엘 프로젝트는 파리의 랜드마크 역할을 하는 픽셀화된 도시 실루엣으로 작용한다. 또한 한 건물에서 다른 건물로 퍼져가는 다양한 건축 언어를 제공하며 건물에 입주하게 될 파트너들을 지역 주민들과 적극적으로 교류하게 만든다. 몽플라이엘 프로젝트는 건축 자체의 넘치는 창의성을 머금고, 미래의 교통 허브 외에도 생드니 지역의 교통 네트워크와 긴밀히 연결되며 도시 전체를 네트워크화 시키고 있다.
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〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕 생드니에 들어설 대규모 복합용도 개발 프로젝트 몽플라이엘 2

The Montpleyel(+) project is a 180,000㎡ mixed-use development consisting of housing, offices and a range of cultural activities part of a wider masterplan intended for the upper northern part of Paris, and on the west side of the city of Saint-Denis. MVRDV’s project is part of a larger masterplan to develop the entire area around the metro station area of Grand Paris. In addition to the future transportation hub, this former industrial area will soon reconnect the rest of the city thanks to a new bridge spanning the entire rail network that at present, separates Saint-Denis in two parts.
The project is divided into two sites: The first one, the so-called ‘meta Ilot’ will host a very large variety of housing typologies but also office spaces and activities such shops, markets and a theatre. The second site, ‘the inhabited bridge’, developed by partner BIG is intended to animate the bridge connection between the two parts of the city. It’s mainly composed of office spaces but its ground floor is fully occupied by a food market which will help connect the future inhabitants of the districts.
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〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕 생드니에 들어설 대규모 복합용도 개발 프로젝트 몽플라이엘 2

On the Meta ilot, the goal here was to give back to the density a human scale. In order achieve this, different towers and buildings of the project are pixelated and carved to make the transition between low rise and high rise more progressive. This allows achieving the high-density requirements without having too close proximity between building’s facades.

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〔안정원의 건축 칼럼〕 생드니에 들어설 대규모 복합용도 개발 프로젝트 몽플라이엘 2

The masterplan brief requested a large public park and the ambition here was to go beyond this too and make the entire project an expansive vertical park covering the entire site. Each green pixel is then assigned to a catalogue of functions depending on its position and programme location. On the lower levels which are publically accessible, there are a variety of sports and cultural activities with 24-hour access for visitors and residents. In contrast, the higher floors, green terraces have activities shared between residents and workers. The projects act as a gigantic fresh green pocket giving a proper home to flora and fauna of the district.
The project has two distinguishable characteristics. The first visible from distance is its pixelated urban silhouette acting as a landmark for the grand Paris scale. The second is only visible on closer encounters offering a diversity of architectural language that spreads smoothly from one building to another, thus giving different identities to each of the masterplan entities.

In order to achieve a smooth transition in between the current industrial past and the future development, future activities will be installed on site before actual demolitions begin. From the start, partners will be able to introduce themselves to the inhabitants of the district since current buildings will be occupied whists the project is developed.>>Architects_ MVRDV, Partners Co Architects_ BIG,, Design_ MVRDV/ Winy Maas, Jacob Van Rijs, Nathalie De Vries, 자료_ MVRDV, 기사 출처_ 에이앤뉴스 AN NEWS(ANN NEWS CENTER) 제공

안정원(비비안안 Vivian AN) 에이앤뉴스 발행인 겸 대표이사, 한양대학교 실내건축디자인학과 겸임교수 annews@naver.com
제공_ 에이앤뉴스그룹 ANN(에이앤뉴스_ 건축디자인 대표 신문사 ‧ 에이앤프레스_건설지, 건설백서 전문출판사)



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